Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Transformation Tuesday! My Mom

Hey everyone! I want to celebrate a very special transformation today... MY MOM! I'm so proud of all her hard work, she looks AMAZING and SO YOUNG, I mean we could pass for sisters, RIGHT??
BUT that's NOT what I want to highlight today... today I want to highlight that this transformation DID NOT COME OVERNIGHT! Often times we get caught up in the end result and see all these before and after photos of people and what we don't see is all the hard consistent work, PLATEAUS, cheat meals turning into cheat days and sometimes weeks... I’m sure some of these hit home for you. This transformation did NOT happen after 1 round of 21 Day Fix, NOPE this happened after 13 ROUNDS of 21 Day Fix, after 9.5 MONTHS of 21 Day Fix, and she worked REALLY HARD!!! My parents were remodeling their house and in the middle of all the dust, minimal space, and 8+ hours of work SHE MADE TIME to get her 30 minute workout in. She didn’t have a kitchen to meal prep so she made healthy choices with the options she was given. Were there times she slipped up? YUP! Were there times she didn’t follow the containers because she thought she got it down? YUP! But guess what… she reeled it in and got back on track… SHE NEVER QUIT! You know why? BECAUSE THIS IS NOT A DESTINATION! She is learning NEW HEALTHY HABITS and when you change your focus from DESTINATION to JOURNEY then you will NEVER QUIT!
Mom, I’m so proud of you, you’ve truly shown me what it means to never give up!

Check out her story in the link below.

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