About Me

Before becoming a Beachbody Coach & After almost 1 year of being a Beachbody Coach! 

Hey There!!

Thanks for stopping by my page, you may have come across it randomly or referred to me by a friend, either way let me tell you a little about who I am!

My name is Laura Jayne Haag and I want to share my story with you. What you're about to read is a glimpse of a time in my life that I never thought I would have the confidence to speak about... on the internet of all places...

Toxicity can do one of two things to a person. It can either drive a person into a pit and suffocate them, or it can become a stepping stone on which a person begins to rebuild their life. For four years, I was in a toxic relationship that left me a divorced woman, near bankruptcy, and living alone. It was a very strange time for me, as I consider myself a strong, confident and driven woman, but then I had lost my joy for everyday life as well as my drive. I was in desperate search of a way to find myself again and that's when a friend introduced me to Beachbody workouts.

I started with T25 and after a few failed attempts - YES, I said I FAILED at it TWICE... started and stopped, started and stopped - sound familiar? I finally decided it was time to commit and complete the program! That moment was the beginning of my Beachbody journey. The journey to regain my confidence and zest for life, the journey to regain ME. With every workout, I truly began feeling like my old self again. Little by little, day by day, I made improvements and increased strength both mentally and physically. Soon enough, the poison of my past was replaced with something I never thought I'd find again: happiness and excitement for life. This poison became the stepping stone upon which I have begun to rebuild my life.

Health and fitness has always been a friend to me, especially in my darkest moments, which is no surprise why I, even in a time of need, unconsciously turned to it for help and support through Beachbody. A main staple of why I became a coach is to give back and help others who need support, motivation and help just as I did.

Fast forward 3 years from the time I was introduced to my first Beachbody program and I am a NEW & HAPPILY MARRIED WOMAN!

YES! You read that right! I have found my true love, and guess what? The person who introduced me to Beachbody was my husband's friend!! If it weren't for him, I might have never been able to do what I love: become a Beachbody coach who helps people become the healthiest version of themselves!

I've been given the opportunity to turn this passion into a business. A few years ago, I was not where I wanted to be with my life, but I knew I was heading in the right direction. Today, I can finally say that I’m closer than ever before. I can taste the victory, and it’s almost as good as my Shakeology!  Never in my life did I think it would be possible to live out my dreams or to see my hopes and aspirations turn into a reality by becoming a Beachbody coach. Now it has!

I praise God for being a constant source of peace through the highest and lowest times in my life. When all I could see was the darkness of my divorce and financial struggles, He was my hope, my provider, and my counselor. He has given purpose to my struggles and because of that, I am able to help those around me who may be going through similar battles.

Whether health and fitness has always been a part of your journey or if it is something you’re completely new to, I hope that you will let me help you find your confidence, happiness, and excitement for life the way I have.

So if you are ready to take a step forward, even if it’s a tiny step, to become your best self, I encourage you to join me, my journey and my accountability group where you can begin to get support in a safe, fun and consistent environment.

My support group shares motivation, recipes, encouragement and tips that will ultimately help you reach your health and fitness goals. I’m so happy our paths have crossed and I look forward to continuing this journey together as a team.

xoxo Laura Jayne Haag♥

My Family
(Me, Mom, Brother & Dad)
Grandma's Squad!
 (Me, Mom, Grandma, Aunt Debbie & Cousin Taleen)
After completing my 1st Challenge Group!

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