Monday, June 27, 2016

Motivation Monday! Natalie's Transformation Story

I'm SO EXCITED to share Natalie's transformation with you!
Natalie's Before & After using 21 Day Fix & Shakeology

Natalie is a busy teacher who has a passion for helping young women gain self-esteem and self-awareness through The Kind Club

Here is her transformation story:

I started the 21 Day Fix program about four months ago. I've never enjoyed working out. However, I was tired of feeling exhausted all the time. I had also put on about 10 pounds in the last two years. Since starting the program I have learned healthy eating habits and I have lost all the weight I gained. I'm starting to see definition around my waist. I'm so thankful for Laura. She is an amazing coach. She is always available to answer questions, support you, and push you to your full potential! Thank you, Laura. I couldn't have done this without you.

Natalie's Before & After using 21 Day Fix & Shakeology

Natalie has been an amazing support & motivation in my challenge groups. Her participation has helped others in my group stay accountable to their program and see results! Her new healthy lifestyle has also made a positive impact on her family & friends.

Congrats girl! I'm so excited to be a part of your journey

If you're interested in participating in my next motivation & accountability group (Challenge Group) please complete the following FORM and I will get back to you with all the fun details!

xoxo Laura Jayne

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