Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Nutrition: Mind Over Matter

As many of you know, I run an ongoing health & fitness accountability group on Facebook with my fellow coaches for new and existing customers who are doing Beachbody programs. Earlier this week my cousin, who is also a coach and is known for her amazing recipe blog Taleen's Kitchenposted the following in our group. I was so incredibly proud of her for sharing something that is often times the sad reality of how people believe they can "lose weight" or "get in shape". If you haven't seen Taleen's Before & After please take a look after reading what she shared. This is coming from someone who had an amazing transformation not just from the outside, but also from the inside and most importantly her thought process. 

Now that the holidays have come and gone, I'm looking forward to getting back on track with my nutrition. People have asked me, "are you still on your diet?" "Do you eat?" "Aren't you hungry all the time?" I've also heard people say, "I lost weight by starving myself." All of these statements are seriously flawed. When it comes down to it, our mindset about food and healthy eating needs to change.
Here are some ideas to keep in mind:
1. Everyone is on a diet. Either it's a healthy one that will fuel your body, or it's one that will slow it down and dismantle it.

2. When you eat with portion control, you're not only making sure that your metabolism is stable, but you're also giving your body exactly what it needs throughout the day, no more, no less.

3. Starvation doesn't work.
4. Cutting carbs for the sake of losing weight won't last long. Realistically, you're going to eat bread and grains (unless you have a gluten intolerance.) Instead of cutting it and depriving yourself, eat the right kind in the right amount.
5. Crash diets are a temporary fad. Eating clean is a lifestyle change.
Finally, just to prove that eating clean does not mean starving yourself, I've attached a picture of tonight's dinner. I had smashed sweet potato (1 yellow), lean ground chicken seasoned with low sodium guacamole sounds weird, but it was SO GOOD. I couldn't find a low sodium taco seasoning, so I settled for guac seasoning (1 red) and a broccoli/squash medley (1 green).

Change your mindset about food and I promise you it will change your life.

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