Thursday, January 21, 2016



My name is Laura Jayne and I’m here to help you stay accountable and motivate you to start a healthy and fit lifestyle. 

A little over a year ago I tried this program called 21 Day Fix and saw some AMAZING results! I was short on time so when the program said the workouts were only 30 minutes I was immediately sold. Well, little did I know that this program was going to completely change my outlook on health & fitness. 21 Day Fix not only SAVED me time, but it taught me how to portion control healthy meals. Not only did I reach my goals using this program, but I exceeded them! 

After completing this program, I started helping other people complete the program and they started seeing results like never before!!

Whether you’ve worked out your entire life or never stepped foot into a gym this program will help you! You must be dedicated for 3 weeks to really see how your life can change. It takes 3 weeks to create a habit! If you are not completely satisfied there is also a 30 day money back guarantee. I will be helping you by answering all your questions, sharing tips and recipes, motivating you and holding you accountable to make sure you successfully complete the program!

If you’re interested please join the even by clicking on the following link 
SWEAT-HEART FEBRUARY CHALLENGE GROUP ❤️ and I will reach out to you with all the different purchase options to make sure we find what bundle best fits your budget. 

***In order to be in the group you must purchase the program from me or one of my coaches***

{Cannot be a coach or have a coach currently}

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