Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Do what you LOVE; LOVE what you do!

As I sit here on this beautiful night in SoCal I can't help but reflect on the last year of my life and how BLESSED I am to be here. Not only have I FINALLY found my passion but I've been given the opportunity to turn it into a business through Beachbody! All my life I never realized that was possible, now it is!
In 2014 I was told about a program called T25. That was the beginning of a journey I NEVER thought would turn into my passion.
After a year of testing Beachbody programs on myself I saw that I had a natural instinct to want to help those close to me achieve their fitness goals.
In February 2015 I finally gained the courage to sign up as a coach. Not only did I want to help myself stay accountable on my own fitness journey I quickly realized that I have truly found a passion in helping others. I consider myself very blessed to have a stable career in Accounting but I am even more blessed to find something that I feel extremely passionate about. You know the saying when you find something you love you’ll never work a day in your life. Well up until this opportunity I thought that saying was a LIE! Well friends I'm here to tell you it’s true. Oh and wait for it….. I GET PAID FOR THIS!
This BIG PASSION of mine has given me so many opportunities I never dreamed could be possible! I can start listing them all but today I want to share 2 of the biggest ones to date!
1. I'll be going to Nashville in July to a BIG event and will meet all the talented trainers & creators of this AMAZING company called Beachbody ---> THE BIGGEST AHA moment for me was when I bought my mom and I round trip tickets to go without worrying about how the cost will be covered!
2. I get to plan an all inclusive vacation to a tropical island for 2 and I get to say IT'S MY TREAT!
Whether you want to get in the best shape of your life, to help others be inspired and motivated on the path to health and wellness; Or to earn enough money to have your car payment covered, be able to save up for the vacation you never had. What about simply being able to see something on sale at store and know you have the cash to pay for it... All these are possible! If any of this is sounding good to you & you are ready for change, you are an energetic, optimistic person, you enjoy helping others, you are looking to improve your life, you want to get healthier & you are looking to grow as a person for the better, then please feel free to complete the form in the "JOIN MY TEAM" tab above and I will get back to you with all the exciting details on how to get started on my team!

...And because I have so much love for our legal team I didn't forget to give them a SHOUT-OUT!
{ Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located in the Coach Online Office for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes}

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